JBang AppStore
Below is a index of JBang aliases available on GitHub in JBang Catalogs.
To use it Download or Install JBang or run the following command from any bash compatible terminal:
or in a Windows Powershell:
With JBang installed you can run any of the aliases from the JBang AppStore!, i.e.
NOTE: Always verify a script code before executing it and know if your new catalog is missing it might just be because the index job have not run yet.
To use it Download or Install JBang or run the following command from any bash compatible terminal:
curl -Ls https://sh.jbang.dev | bash -s - app setup
or in a Windows Powershell:
iex "& { $(iwr https://ps.jbang.dev) } app setup"
With JBang installed you can run any of the aliases from the JBang AppStore!, i.e.
jbang jreleaser@jreleaser
to run jreleaser.
NOTE: Always verify a script code before executing it and know if your new catalog is missing it might just be because the index job have not run yet.
{{ isOpen ? 'mdi-minus' : 'mdi-plus' }}