JBang AppStore
To use it Download or Install JBang or run the following command from any bash compatible terminal:
curl -Ls https://sh.jbang.dev | bash -s - app setup
or in a Windows Powershell:
iex "& { $(iwr https://ps.jbang.dev) } app setup"
With JBang installed you can run any of the aliases from the JBang AppStore!, i.e.
jbang jreleaser@jreleaser
to run jreleaser.
NOTE: Always verify a script code before executing it and know if your new catalog is missing it might just be because the index job have not run yet.
Alias | |
| |
karate@0J27VWx/UNi57cV7lgY | |
| |
quarkus-starter@38leinaD Script to scaffold a Quarkus project | |
firestarter@38leinaD Display a YouTube video on your RasPi or similar (e.g. to build a 'virtual fireplace'). Also, simple web-ui to edit the video URL. | |
httpserver@38leinaD Minimalist JDK-internal http-server | |
| |
grep@a-services Find substring like grep | |
csv@a-services Export CSV file from database table | |
images2pdf@a-services Create PDF from images | |
strapdownjs@a-services Create HTML from markdown using strapdownjs | |
folder_sizes@a-services Read and write CSV with folder sizes | |
find_cordova@a-services Search Cordova 8.x docs | |
paste_log@a-services Paste log from clipboard to file | |
ts_imports@a-services Find list of TypeScript imports in folder | |
exc@a-services Checking for exceptions in log file | |
yml_table@a-services Convert YAML list to HTML | |
calibre_page@a-services Extract page from HTML created by Calibre | |
fix_chapters@a-services Fix numbers in markdown chapters | |
svg_icons@a-services Create set of png icons from svg file | |
har2postman@a-services Convert HAR file with HTTP requests exported from Chrome to Postman collection | |
file_index@a-services Generate index of files for current folder | |
p_stats@a-services Calculate project stats | |
extract_html_headers@a-services Extract header tags from html file as indented text to create table of contents | |
bookserver@a-services HTTP server that serves markdown files from folder which name ends with | |
udemy_html_toc@a-services Parse html file with Udemy course TOC | |
remove_html@a-services Remove html tags from markdown file | |
replace_br@a-services Replace <br> tags with newlines | |
cmp_tstamps@a-services Compare timestamps in two folders | |
obsidian_folder@a-services Convert Obsidian folder to HTML | |
git_changes@a-services Copy added/changed files from git to backup folder | |
tommy@a-services Tomcat - Create Windows Deployment Scripts | |
README@a-services Generate | |
ai_note@a-services Running OpenAI prompts | |
maven_deps@a-services Extract maven dependency tree for each project in current folder | |
o_ed@a-services Obsidian Web Editor | |
tree@a-services Directory tree in ASCII symbols up to a specified depth | |
insert_files@a-services Replace file names with the contents of the respective files | |
copy_box@a-services Copy binary file to clipboard or paste it back from clipboard to binary file. | |
| |
adr@adoble | |
| |
hello@aizedevops/spring-boot-projects~jbang | |
hellocli@aizedevops/spring-boot-projects~jbang | |
jbangquarkus@aizedevops/spring-boot-projects~jbang | |
| |
arthas@alibaba Launch Arthas Java Diagnostic Tool - https://github.com/alibaba/arthas | |
rsocket-broker@alibaba Start Alibaba RSocket Broker - https://github.com/alibaba/alibaba-rsocket-broker | |
| |
start@apache/sling-whiteboard Start Apache Sling | |
repoinitValidator@apache/sling-whiteboard Validate a Repoinit script | |
jvmVersion@apache/sling-whiteboard Run with a specific JVM version | |
| |
pkl@apple/pkl | |
pkl-codegen-java@apple/pkl | |
pkl-codegen-kotlin@apple/pkl | |
| |
tabula@arihantjain124/PDF_Parser~tabula-java-1.0.5 | |
| |
CamelJBang@ArjunSai/camel Run Apache Camel routes easily (deprecated - use camel instead) | |
camel@ArjunSai/camel Run Apache Camel routes easily | |
| |
datahub-protobuf-old@aucampia/issues~20220908-datahub-protobuf | |
datahub-protobuf@aucampia/issues~20220908-datahub-protobuf | |
| |
env@base2Services Dump table of Environment Variables | |
awsssm@base2Services AWS SSM Session Manager Tunnels | |
| |
byteman@bytemanproject | |
bmcheck@bytemanproject | |
bminstall@bytemanproject | |
bmsubmit@bytemanproject | |
| |
citrus@citrusframework/citrus Run Citrus tests | |
| |
yaks@citrusframework/yaks Run YAKS tests locally | |
| |
camel@codacy-open-source-projects-scans/camel Run Apache Camel routes easily | |
| |
hello@codacy-open-source-projects-scans/jbang~itests | |
helloworld@codacy-open-source-projects-scans/jbang~itests | |
echo@codacy-open-source-projects-scans/jbang~itests echo echo echo description | |
resource@codacy-open-source-projects-scans/jbang~itests | |
alltags@codacy-open-source-projects-scans/jbang~itests twodesc | |
hellojar@codacy-open-source-projects-scans/jbang~itests twodesc | |
pgmgav@codacy-open-source-projects-scans/jbang~itests twodesc | |
| |
revapi-update@codacy-open-source-projects-scans/quarkus~.jbang | |
| |
policypanda@commonhaus/foundation | |
| |
camel@comute/CamelPMD Run Apache Camel routes easily | |
| |
launch@davsclaus/camel-visual | |
| |
gen-config-docs@DependencyTrack Generate configuration documentation from application.properties | |
gen-cwe-dict@DependencyTrack Generate a Java class holding a dictionary of CWE ID -> CWE Name mappings | |
| |
jfxcentral@dlemmermann | |
| |
qcli-jbang@dotCMS app -- Sample Quarkus CLI application | |
jreleaser-cli-snapshot@dotCMS app -- Sample Quarkus CLI application | |
dotcms-cli-snapshot@dotCMS app -- DotCMS CLI | |
dotcms-cli@dotCMS app -- DotCMS CLI | |
| |
app@dsyer/java-jupyter Application | |
db@dsyer/java-jupyter H2 Database | |
| |
start@ep-infosec/33_apache_sling-whiteboard Start Apache Sling | |
repoinitValidator@ep-infosec/33_apache_sling-whiteboard Validate a Repoinit script | |
jvmVersion@ep-infosec/33_apache_sling-whiteboard Run with a specific JVM version | |
| |
lastweek@fbricon Script listing the commits that were published in my favourite repos for the past 7 days | |
| |
camel@forest-town/repo-2823585 Run Apache Camel routes easily | |
| |
static-init-finder@FroMage Find static init calls to classes | |
| |
graal@galderz/qollider Script to build Graal | |
infinispan-native@galderz/qollider Script to build Infinispan Quarkus native server | |
jdk@galderz/qollider Script to build a JDK | |
quarkus@galderz/qollider Script to build Quarkus | |
mandrel@galderz/qollider Script to build Mandrel | |
| |
payroll@garodriguezlp | |
banc@garodriguezlp | |
irimo-snapshot@garodriguezlp CLI tool for consolidating personal financial data | |
irimo@garodriguezlp CLI tool for consolidating personal financial data | |
cheo@garodriguezlp | |
| |
karate@gaurabhok/karate-automation | |
| |
cleanyaml@gomezrondon/spring-in-container~script | |
| |
springjbang@gomezrondon/spring-jbang | |
| |
camel@Gonzivang/SecondTry~CodeResources/Apache Camel/camel-main Run Apache Camel routes easily | |
| |
revapi-update@gsmet/quarkus-renovate~.jbang | |
| |
jarkanoid@HanSolo | |
jdkmon@HanSolo | |
jcpu@HanSolo | |
discocli@HanSolo | |
javafinder@HanSolo | |
glucostatusfx@HanSolo | |
| |
hawtio@hawtio/hawtio Run Hawtio easily | |
| |
example@hibernate/hibernate-reactive An application example. The database must be available before running it. See https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-reactive/blob/main/podman.md | |
testcase@hibernate/hibernate-reactive A Hibernate Reactive JUnit test using Docker, Testcontainers and Vert.x Unit | |
| |
ocli@hpcclab/OaaS | |
| |
wrk2@Hyperfoil | |
wrk@Hyperfoil | |
cli@Hyperfoil | |
run@Hyperfoil | |
qDup@Hyperfoil | |
| |
raton-loco@jabrena 'Raton Loco' is a Windows utility to avoid the Screensaver | |
setup@jabrena Setup is a CLI utility designed to help developers when they start working with a new repository | |
mcp-calculator@jabrena MCP Calculator. An example designed to learn MCP, Model Context Protocol | |
mcp-realweather@jabrena MCP MCPRealWeather. An example designed to learn MCP, Model Context Protocol | |
| |
cli@jacoco Runs jacoco cli, see https://www.jacoco.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/cli.html for documentation. | |
agent@jacoco jacoco agent, use like | |
| |
camel@javatechno/camel-4.6.2 Run Apache Camel routes easily | |
| |
hello@jbangdev Script that says hello back for each argument | |
properties@jbangdev Dump table of System properties | |
env@jbangdev Dump table of Environment Variables | |
| |
git@jbangdev Git command line tool implemented with jgit. Lets you do basic git features without installing git! | |
bouncinglogo@jbangdev | |
h2@jbangdev | |
catalog2readme@jbangdev | |
| |
getjava@jbangdev Experimental utility to download Java distributions using api.foojay.io. | |
ec@jbangdev | |
faker@jbangdev | |
dalle@jbangdev | |
bootstrap@jbangdev Bootstrap a jbang script to make it self-contained. | |
jmc@jbangdev | |
| |
jfxtiles@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
perftest@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
hibernate@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
jfx@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
junitrun@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
findmodule@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
records@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
progress@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
webdriver@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
junit-run@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
camel@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
asciidoc@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
gh_fetch_release_assets@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
piping@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
smee@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
lang@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
docker@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
classpath_example@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
tz@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
vertx@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
urldep@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
helloworld@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
undertow@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
inetTest@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
envdetector@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
shrinkwrap@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
resteasyclient@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
adoptopenjdk@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
analytics@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
imap@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
githubinfo@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
script@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
ratpack@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
checksum@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
s3upload@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
sparkjava@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
jetty@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
NanoClock@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
asciidoctor@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
gh_release_stats@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
grabavatars@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
ilc@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
mockneatSQL@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
opencv_ball_tracker@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
plantuml@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
quarkus@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
quarkusadv@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
quarkuscli@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
quarkusclidb@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
quarkusclireddis@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
quarkusjib@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
quarkusmetrics@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
quarkusnew@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
resource@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
update_catalog@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
viewics@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
qchat@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
ecsh@jbangdev/jbang-examples Eclipse Collections API for scripting
Try out using | |
j18inetresolver@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
symjajsh@jbangdev/jbang-examples | |
| |
sponge@jbangdev/jbang-minecraft | |
| |
main@jbangdev/jbang.dev | |
tree@jbangdev/jbang.dev | |
| |
h2@jbanghub/h2 | |
| |
gdx-liftoff@jbanghub/libgdx | |
| |
retrace@jbanghub/proguard | |
proguard@jbanghub/proguard | |
proguard-gui@jbanghub/proguard | |
| |
html@jianglibo do html boilerplate staff | |
rollup@jianglibo Setup a simple rollup project. | |
lxcinfo@jianglibo lxc interface. | |
text@jianglibo text manipulation util | |
snapshot@jianglibo take snapshot of the current project. | |
command@jianglibo manage the user defined commands. | |
download@jianglibo download assets from this project. | |
neovim@jianglibo a neovim ide. | |
crypt@jianglibo a crypt utility | |
runenv@jianglibo manage runenvs. | |
h2@jianglibo | |
catalog2readme@jianglibo | |
| |
app-snapshot@jlengrand helidon-quickstart-se | |
helidon-quickstart-se-snapshot@jlengrand helidon-quickstart-se | |
| |
codegen@jOOQ | |
codegen-pro@jOOQ | |
codegen-pro-java-8@jOOQ | |
codegen-pro-java-11@jOOQ | |
codegen-trial@jOOQ | |
codegen-trial-java-8@jOOQ | |
codegen-trial-java-11@jOOQ | |
parser@jOOQ | |
parser-pro@jOOQ | |
parser-pro-java-8@jOOQ | |
parser-pro-java-11@jOOQ | |
parser-trial@jOOQ | |
parser-trial-java-8@jOOQ | |
parser-trial-java-11@jOOQ | |
diff@jOOQ | |
diff-pro@jOOQ | |
diff-pro-java-8@jOOQ | |
diff-pro-java-11@jOOQ | |
diff-trial@jOOQ | |
diff-trial-java-8@jOOQ | |
diff-trial-java-11@jOOQ | |
| |
jreleaser@jreleaser Release projects quickly and easily with JReleaser | |
jreleaser-snapshot@jreleaser Release projects quickly and easily with JReleaser | |
| |
run@jruby Run a Ruby command line with JRuby | |
run9.3@jruby Run a Ruby command line with JRuby | |
run9.2@jruby Run a Ruby command line with JRuby 9.2 | |
| |
cli@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.12.1@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.12.0@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.11.4@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.11.3@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.11.2@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.11.1@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.11.0@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.10.5@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.10.4@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.10.3@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.10.2@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.10.1@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.10.0@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.9.3@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.9.2@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.9.1@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.9.0@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.8.2@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
cli-1.8.1@junit-team Launch the JUnit Platform from the console | |
| |
install-kernel@jupyter-java | |
| |
ap-loader@jvm-profiling-tools/ap-loader async profiler loader. Use directly with | |
jfr2nflx@jvm-profiling-tools/ap-loader | |
jfr2pprof@jvm-profiling-tools/ap-loader | |
jfr2flame@jvm-profiling-tools/ap-loader | |
converter@jvm-profiling-tools/ap-loader | |
profiler@jvm-profiling-tools/ap-loader | |
jattach@jvm-profiling-tools/ap-loader | |
| |
karate@karatelabs | |
| |
karate@karatelabs/karate | |
| |
dmn@kiegroup Evaluate a DMN model using the Drools DMN Engine. | |
feel@kiegroup Evaluate a FEEL expression using the Drools DMN Engine. | |
optaplannerHelloWorld@kiegroup OptaPlanner Hello world to solve a school timetable to assign lessons to timeslots and rooms. | |
xls2dmn@kiegroup JBang script proxy of the Converter for Excel (.xls/.xlsx) files containing DMN decision tables. | |
| |
ghprcomment@koppor/ghprcomment | |
| |
gcl@koppor/github-contributors-list | |
| |
pomchecker@kordamp Checks POM files may be uploaded to Maven Central | |
pomchecker-snapshot@kordamp Checks POM files may be uploaded to Maven Central | |
jarviz-snapshot@kordamp JAR file analyzer | |
jarviz@kordamp JAR file analyzer | |
naum-snapshot@kordamp Java binary compatibility checking tool | |
| |
revealkt@LimeBeck/reveal-kt~jbang CLI for Kotlin DSL wrapper around Reveal JS presentation library | |
| |
NacosService@linux-china/jbang-alibaba-spring-cloud Nacos Service | |
NacosClient@linux-china/jbang-alibaba-spring-cloud Nacos Client | |
RocketmqConsumer@linux-china/jbang-alibaba-spring-cloud RocketMQ Consumer | |
RocketmqSender@linux-china/jbang-alibaba-spring-cloud RocketMQ Sender | |
DubboServiceApp@linux-china/jbang-alibaba-spring-cloud Dubbo Service Provider | |
DubboClientApp@linux-china/jbang-alibaba-spring-cloud Dubbo Service Consumer | |
| |
intro@linux-china Introduction for linux_china | |
resume@linux-china Resume for linux_china | |
DemoCli@linux-china Demo CLI | |
HelloWorld@linux-china Hello World | |
IJSharedIndexes@linux-china Generate project IJ Shared Indexes | |
ij-shared-indexes-cli@linux-china Generates project shared indexes and starts local server on them. | |
SpringBootApp@linux-china Spring Boot App | |
google-java-format@linux-china | |
pkl-cli@linux-china | |
pkl-codegen@linux-china | |
| |
ClientExample@linux-china/jbang-rsocket | |
ServerExample@linux-china/jbang-rsocket | |
ClientExampleKt@linux-china/jbang-rsocket | |
ServerExampleKt@linux-china/jbang-rsocket | |
RSocketSpringBootServer@linux-china/jbang-rsocket | |
| |
pkl-cli@linux-china/pkl-demo | |
pkl-codegen@linux-china/pkl-demo | |
| |
Hello@linux-china/task-keeper Java Hello World | |
HelloWorld@linux-china/task-keeper Java Hello World Clone | |
| |
HelloWorld@linux-china/task-keeper~src/templates Hello World | |
YourApp@linux-china/task-keeper~src/templates Run your app | |
| |
shell@linux-china/zookeeper-shell ZooKeeper Shell | |
| |
mulefd@manikmagar/mulefd Runs Mule Flow Diagrams | |
| |
doit@mariofusco/site-summarizer | |
| |
mima@maveniverse MIMA 2.x CLI (stable) -- deprecated see toolbox@maveniverse | |
mima2@maveniverse MIMA 2.x CLI (stable) -- deprecated see toolbox@maveniverse | |
mima3@maveniverse MIMA 3.x CLI (alpha) -- deprecated see toolbox@maveniverse | |
toolbox@maveniverse Toolbox CLI | |
| |
cli@maxandersen/forbidden | |
| |
h2console@maxandersen/jarkata-data-quarkus-jbang | |
| |
quarkusinfo@maxandersen Script that collects environment info for Quarkus issue reports | |
jruby@maxandersen Run jruby | |
groovy@maxandersen Run groovy | |
ghview@maxandersen GitHub View - based on current directory and locate the right 'thing' on github | |
byteman@maxandersen | |
jamira@maxandersen | |
dashbuilder@maxandersen | |
prelude@maxandersen | |
jackson@maxandersen | |
ap-loader@maxandersen | |
jarkanoid@maxandersen | |
sqlsh@maxandersen | |
quarkus-explain@maxandersen | |
shellscript@maxandersen Simple example of how to wrap and run a shellscript using jbang catalogs. | |
quack@maxandersen | |
gython@maxandersen | |
qrcode@maxandersen | |
jdbc@maxandersen | |
quarkus-edit@maxandersen | |
hass-qli-early-access@maxandersen | |
jfr-report@maxandersen | |
llmspeed@maxandersen Calculate the speed of a Large Language Model using OpenAI model. The speed is measured in tokens per second based on the models own reported data. | |
j2xgenie@maxandersen | |
imgcat@maxandersen | |
hibernatetools@maxandersen | |
mcpcalculator@maxandersen | |
tinypng@maxandersen | |
| |
fabric@maxandersen/jfabric | |
| |
run@maxandersen/jmeet | |
clearpto@maxandersen/jmeet | |
| |
rewrite@maxandersen/rewrite-jbang | |
| |
main@maxandersen/wordle-solve | |
| |
tree@maxandersen/xam.dk | |
qrcode@maxandersen/xam.dk | |
| |
jfrprint@mbien/JFRLog~cli Prints formatted JFR events from JFR dumps or streams them live from repositories. | |
| |
karate@mbinkley08/Karate2 | |
| |
minecraft-server@microsoft Minecraft: Java Edition Server
Requires agreeing to EULA to run. Create | |
appinsights-agent@microsoft Azure Application Insights Agent 3.2.3
Run with | |
playwright@microsoft Playwright lets you automate Chromium, Firefox and Webkit with a single API. With this CLI you can install, trace, generate pdf and screenshots and more. See all commands available:
| |
| |
hello@mikomatic Script that prints hello world | |
springPropertyDocumenter@mikomatic Document spring boot properties based on property metadata | |
| |
cli@nandorholozsnyak/jbang-catalog-doc-generator | |
qs@nandorholozsnyak/jbang-catalog-doc-generator | |
quarkus@nandorholozsnyak/jbang-catalog-doc-generator | |
| |
helloworld@NanowarOfSteel/HelloWorld | |
| |
hello-nbbrd@nbbrd Hello NBBRD | |
sdmx-dl@nbbrd Easily download official statistics | |
heylogs@nbbrd Keep-a-changelog tool | |
hello-nbbrd-picocli@nbbrd Hello NBBRD | |
sasquatch@nbbrd A java reader of SAS datasets - Bill of Materials | |
sasquatchw@nbbrd A java reader of SAS datasets - Bill of Materials | |
| |
hello_neo4j@neo4j Get some statistics out of your Neo4j instance. Call jbang hello_neo4j@neo4j --help to see the usage. | |
cypher@neo4j Use Neo4j's Cypher shell to execute Cypher queries. Interactive shell without parameters or e.g. jbang neo4j@cypher -a neo4j://localhost:7687 -u neo4j -p secret 'MATCH (n) return n' | |
neo4j-migrations@neo4j Simple, Flyway DB inspired migrations for Neo4j. | |
rdbms2neo4j@neo4j Imports the provided tables from an JDBC-URL (postgres, mysql drivers bundled) into Neo4j. | |
liquibase-neo4j@neo4j Manage and run your Neo4j database changes with Liquibase | |
format-cypher@neo4j Pretty print Cypher statements | |
enforce-relationship-directions@neo4j Validates and enforces relationship directions in Cypher statements | |
| |
tabula@neolegal-fr/tabula-java | |
| |
hello-optnc@opt-nc | |
phonenumber-validator@opt-nc | |
| |
hello@oracle/graalpython Script that says hello from Python started from Java or execute Python expression as parameter. | |
| |
bunana@pdudits | |
| |
h2@predic8 Starts the h2 database server | |
sql@predic8 Commandline to execute SQL command | |
membrane@predic8 Membrane API Gateway | |
| |
mcp-server-filesystem@quarkiverse/quarkus-mcp-servers | |
filesystem@quarkiverse/quarkus-mcp-servers | |
mcp-server-jdbc@quarkiverse/quarkus-mcp-servers | |
jdbc@quarkiverse/quarkus-mcp-servers | |
mcp-server-jfx-script@quarkiverse/quarkus-mcp-servers | |
jfx-script@quarkiverse/quarkus-mcp-servers | |
mcp-server-jfx@quarkiverse/quarkus-mcp-servers | |
jfx@quarkiverse/quarkus-mcp-servers | |
kubernetes@quarkiverse/quarkus-mcp-servers | |
containers@quarkiverse/quarkus-mcp-servers | |
| |
roq@quarkiverse/quarkus-roq Serve the generated static website locally | |
| |
buginfo@quarkusio Script that collects environment info for Quarkus issue reports | |
catalog_check_updates@quarkusio Script that checks for updates in an extension catalog | |
catalog_publish@quarkusio Script that publishes an extension catalog to a registry | |
cli@quarkusio | |
qs@quarkusio | |
quarkus@quarkusio | |
quarkus-kill@quarkusio | |
kill@quarkusio | |
quarkus-fmt@quarkusio | |
fmt@quarkusio | |
| |
mcp-proxy@quarkusio/quarkus.ai | |
| |
revapi-update@quarkusio/quarkus~.jbang | |
| |
imap@quintesse~experimental | |
picocli-codegen@quintesse~experimental | |
jfrdump@quintesse~experimental | |
kcdel@quintesse~experimental | |
kcusers@quintesse~experimental | |
memmap@quintesse~experimental | |
pmatch_instanceof@quintesse~experimental | |
switch_expr@quintesse~experimental | |
text_block@quintesse~experimental | |
telegram@quintesse~experimental | |
chelloworld16@quintesse~experimental | |
chelloworld@quintesse~experimental | |
cstrlen16@quintesse~experimental | |
cstrlen17@quintesse~experimental | |
cstrlen@quintesse~experimental | |
guarded_switch@quintesse~experimental | |
shelly@quintesse~experimental | |
example_server@quintesse~experimental | |
lanterna@quintesse~experimental | |
quickserv@quintesse~experimental | |
grep@quintesse~experimental | |
terminal@quintesse~experimental | |
| |
cat@quintesse Simply copies the contents of the provided files to the standard output | |
echo@quintesse Just prints out its arguments | |
hello@quintesse Our perennial demo friend | |
jget@quintesse Like a simplistic wget but written in Java | |
jvmci@quintesse Checks if JVMCI is enabled | |
rest@quintesse A cli tool for REST queries and transformations | |
httpd@quintesse Starts a simple HTTP server on the files in the current directory | |
sysenv@quintesse Prints out Java's System environment | |
sysprops@quintesse Prints out Java's System properties | |
mdns@quintesse | |
mvn2jbang@quintesse Adds a Maven project's dependencies to a JBang script | |
| |
hello@ramesh1972/samples-biz~samples-tech-stack/java_samples/langchain4j/eugenp/tutorials/jbang | |
hellocli@ramesh1972/samples-biz~samples-tech-stack/java_samples/langchain4j/eugenp/tutorials/jbang | |
jbangquarkus@ramesh1972/samples-biz~samples-tech-stack/java_samples/langchain4j/eugenp/tutorials/jbang | |
| |
BrokerClient@reactive-rsocket-broker A client that connects to a broker and sends a request | |
rsocket-broker@reactive-rsocket-broker Start Alibaba Broker Server | |
brokerService@reactive-rsocket-broker RSocket Broker Service Provider | |
brokerConsumer@reactive-rsocket-broker RSocket Broker Service Consumer | |
| |
riot-snapshot@redis-developer Get data in and out of Redis with RIOT | |
riot@redis-developer Get data in and out of Redis with RIOT | |
| |
cowsay@ricksbrown/cowsay | |
| |
deps-to-classpath@robin-a-meade resolve dependencies and print the classpath
| |
firefox-profile-dir@robin-a-meade print the absolute path to the user's firefox profile directory
| |
firefox-profile-dir-with-caching@robin-a-meade print the absolute path of the user's firefox profile directory and cache the result for subsequent calls
| |
jecho@robin-a-meade print arguments
| |
jargs@robin-a-meade print the argument count and print each argument enclosed in angle brackets
| |
kebab-case-demo@robin-a-meade demo of jbang's support for scripts with kebab-case style name
| |
multi-source-file-demo@robin-a-meade demo of jbang's support for handling multi-source-file java programs
| |
saxonhe@robin-a-meade wrapper for launching Saxon-HE's command line interfaces for XSLT, XQuery, and the Gizmo utility
| |
saxonhe11@robin-a-meade simple wrapper for launching Saxon-HE v11.x command line interfaces for XSLT, XQuery, and the Gizmo utility
| |
saxonheX@robin-a-meade experiment with tagsoup modifications
| |
sqlline-test@robin-a-meade test of renovate dependency automation
| |
tagsoup@robin-a-meade convert HTML to well-formed XML (John Cowan's tagsoup 1.2.1)
| |
jlist@robin-a-meade demo
| |
| |
spring-configuration-property-documenter@rodnansol Reads your spring-configuration-metadata.json and generates Markdown/AsciiDoc/HTML/XML based documentation from it. | |
| |
jamira@rohan-flutterint/jamira | |
| |
karate@rohan-flutterint/karate-core | |
| |
hello@rohan-flutterint/tutorials~jbang | |
hellocli@rohan-flutterint/tutorials~jbang | |
jbangquarkus@rohan-flutterint/tutorials~jbang | |
| |
spring@scratches Spring Boot CLI | |
configserver@scratches Spring Cloud Config Server with example config repo | |
| |
kubectl-limit@sebastienblanc/limit-request | |
| |
karate-grpcurl@SemonCat/karate-grpcurl | |
| |
karate-grpcurl@shoplineapp/karate-grpcurl | |
| |
jreleaser-snapshot@sormuras/jbang Release projects quickly and easily with JReleaser | |
| |
revapi-update@TarekBenSalama/quarkus~.jbang | |
| |
sdkman@tbee/mavenToolchains Generate ~/.m2/toolchains.xml jdk entries using the installed Java JDKs in SDKMAN | |
| |
HelloWorld@tgm-templates/jbang-script | |
| |
hello@TheShubham-K/getting-started-with-springboot~jbang | |
hellocli@TheShubham-K/getting-started-with-springboot~jbang | |
jbangquarkus@TheShubham-K/getting-started-with-springboot~jbang | |
| |
jamira@tomitribe/jamira | |
| |
liga@tors42/jbang-chariot | |
nonthematic@tors42/jbang-chariot | |
membercount@tors42/jbang-chariot | |
opponents@tors42/jbang-chariot | |
flatten@tors42/jbang-chariot | |
evalsummary@tors42/jbang-chariot | |
autoscore@tors42/jbang-chariot | |
uci2san@tors42/jbang-chariot | |
oauth2pkce@tors42/jbang-chariot | |
updateArena@tors42/jbang-chariot | |
| |
asciidoc@wfouche | |
clojure@wfouche | |
jython-jpm@wfouche | |
kwrk@wfouche | |
tulip-cli@wfouche | |
| |
jfxapp@worldline Single file JavaFX application. View are defined by code (no fxml) | |
| |
jfxapp@worldline/learning-kotlin Single file JavaFX application that defined the UI with code (no fxml) | |
| |
tabula@yaodahua/fuxian_ChatTester~CoverageCal/ProjectResult/Evosuite_first/tabulapdf_tabula-java | |
| |
tabula@yaodahua/fuxian_ChatTester~CoverageCal/repos/tabulapdf_tabula-java | |
| |
tabula@yaodahua/fuxian_ChatTester~Repos/tabulapdf_tabula-java | |
| |
2024-1@yostane/adventofcode Advent of code 2024 day in Kotlin | |
2024-2@yostane/adventofcode Advent of code 2024 day in Kotlin | |
2024-3@yostane/adventofcode Advent of code 2024 day in Kotlin | |
2024-4@yostane/adventofcode Advent of code 2024 day in Kotlin | |
| |
palcli@yostane Palindrome tester CLI | |
palqrest@yostane Palindrome tester Quarkus Rest API | |
ktor-rest@yostane Ktor Rest API server with JSON serialization | |
hellojfx@yostane Basic JavaFX window that shows Java and JavaFx versions | |
| |
release@ZenWave360/zenwave-sdk | |
snapshots@ZenWave360/zenwave-sdk | |
next@ZenWave360/zenwave-sdk | |
| |
hello@zubairmujeeb/spring-boot-sample-projects~tutorials-master/jbang | |
hellocli@zubairmujeeb/spring-boot-sample-projects~tutorials-master/jbang | |
jbangquarkus@zubairmujeeb/spring-boot-sample-projects~tutorials-master/jbang |