

jbang-export-portable - Exports jar together with dependencies in way that makes it portable


jbang export portable -o [-hn] [--force] --fresh [--insecure] --quiet --verbose [--config=<config>] [-j=<javaVersion>] [-O=<outputFile>] [--cp=<classpaths>]…​ [-D=<String=String>]…​ [--deps=<dependencies>]…​ [--repos=<repositories>]…​ scriptOrFile


Exports jar together with dependencies in way that makes it portable



Path to config file to be used instead of the default

--cp, --class-path=<classpaths>

Add class path entries.

-D, <String=String>

set a system property


Add additional dependencies (Use commas to separate them).


Force export, i.e. overwrite exported file if already exists


Make sure we use fresh (i.e. non-cached) resources.

-h, --help

Display help/info. Use 'jbang <command> -h' for detailed usage.


Enable insecure trust of all SSL certificates.

-j, --java=<javaVersion>

JDK version to use for running the script.

-n, --native

Build using native-image

-o, --offline

Work offline. Fail-fast if dependencies are missing. No connections will be attempted

-O, --output=<outputFile>

The name or path to use for the exported file. If not specified a name will be determined from the original source reference and export flags.


jbang will be quiet, only print when error occurs.


Add additional repositories.


jbang will be verbose on what it does.



A file or URL to a Java code file