
If you want the generated jar or native binary you can use jbang export local <script> to get it copied (exported) for you to use directly.

Note, the local generated jar will have classpath references that are machine dependent. If you want a portable jar use jbang export portable <script> and the dependent jars will be put in lib directory and generated jar will have relative references to the jars in the lib folder.

You can also use jbang export gradle|maven <script> to export the set of the script, its additional sources and resources, along with their dependencies, to a Gradle or Maven project, allowing you to proceed with full-scale development in your favorite IDE.

Exporting to Maven Repository

If your application or script need to be used from another java project it can be beneficial to publish your jar into a maven repository. You can use jbang export mavenrepo -Dgroup=dk.xam yourapp.java to have it installed in your default maven repository, or use -O target to get it exported to a directory named target.

You can control what maven coordinate will be used via properties named group, artifact and version.

Publish via jitpack

You can use export mavenrepo to publish any github hosted jbang app into a maven project by using a jitpack.yml as follows:

  -  curl -Ls https://sh.jbang.dev | bash -s - app setup
  - ~/.jbang/bin/jbang export mavenrepo --force -O target -Dgroup=$GROUP -Dartifact=$ARTIFACT -Dversion=$VERSION hello.java
  - mkdir -p ~/.m2/repository
  - cp -rv target/* ~/.m2/repository/

You should only need to change hello.java to match your application/script.

You can read more about how jitpack handle builds at https://jitpack.io/docs/BUILDING/.

Exporting as a project

If you want to transition your developed script to a full-scale Java project, you can use jbang export gradle|maven <script> to export it as a Gradle or Maven project. If you have specified multiple sources or resources using //SOURCES or //FILES in the script, they will also be exported. Tags such as //JAVA, //DEPS, //REPOS, //GAV, and //DESCRIPTION will also be reflected in the exported build.gradle or pom.xml.

Unless explicitly specified via command options or tags, the GAV of the exported project defaults to org.example:<script name>:999-SNAPSHOT.

Let’s say you want to export the following hello.java to a project:

///usr/bin/env jbang "$0" "$@" ; exit $?

//SOURCES model/Message.java
//FILES application.properties
//DEPS org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:2.0.17

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import model.Message;

public class hello {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(hello.class);

    public static void main(String... args) {
        log.info("{}", new Message());

To a Gradle project

You can export the script to a Gradle project with the GAV org.acme:myapp:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT as follows:

jbang export gradle --group org.acme --artifact myapp --version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT hello.java

The generated project would look like this:

├── build.gradle
└── src
    └── main
        ├── java
        │   ├── model
        │   │   └── Message.java
        │   └── org
        │       └── acme
        │           └── myapp
        │               └── hello.java
        └── resources
            └── application.properties

The build.gradle file would include the following dependencies:

dependencies {
    implementation 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:2.0.17'

To a Maven project

You can export the script to a Maven project with the GAV org.acme:myapp:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT as follows:

jbang export maven --group org.acme --artifact myapp --version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT hello.java

The generated project would look like this:

├── pom.xml
└── src
    └── main
        ├── java
        │   ├── model
        │   │   └── Message.java
        │   └── org
        │       └── acme
        │           └── myapp
        │               └── hello.java
        └── resources
            └── application.properties

The pom.xml file would include the following dependencies:
